Only 30 days to go...

The next 30 days of my life doing the Isagenix Cleanse. Maybe this will give me the momentum to keep it up - and maybe you'll find something that interests you.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day 2 - my measurements

Ok, so I took my measurements tonight to give myself a good goal. Got lots to work with. ;)

Neck: 12.75"
Upper Arm(left): 12"
Upper Arm(right): 12"
Chest: 38"
Diaphragm: 33.5"
Waist: 32"
Abdomen: 39.5"
Butt: 41"
Upper left thigh: 24.5"
Upper right thigh: 25"
Calf (L): 15.5"
Calf (R): 15.5"
Upper right knee: 17"
Upper left knee: 17"
Total inches (they actually want you to add all this up) : 335.25
Weight: 163
Height: 5'7

ok so that's where i goal is to lose 2-3 inches off just my belly so i have no idea how to count that from the measurements they have you take. we'll see.

Tomorrow - Day 3...g'nite!


  • At 9:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck! It's great that you are tracking this honestly and letting other people read it to decided whether or not they want to try Isagenix!



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